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100ThousandPoetsForChange 2014


The mouth of the righteous man utters wisdom, and his tongue

speaks what is just.  Psalm 37:30

Life Question: Did you hear the writing on the wall?

Happy Poetry Month to one and all!! Around the world 100thousandpoetsforchange is being celebrated by not just poets,

but musicians, sculptors, photographers, painters, dancers and any

other creative genre you can think of, and why?? TO MAKE CHANGE!


For some, it's child care, for others its healthier school lunches for our

children, the list is endless!

Soul Conversations again is a participant in this worldwide event, continuing

to raise awareness about religious persecution in restricted and hostile nations.

So what does religious persecution have to do with poetry month?

GREAT QUESTION! It's not just human rights lawyers, human rights advocates

and religious groups that face persecution around the world, it's also intellectuals,

poets, and bookstore owners too!

YES! You heard me right!! Intellectuals, poets and bookstore owners. In many of these countries not only are lawyers and human rights groups targets, but the creative community faces the same fate. Some have been jailed, even killed. In

many restricted and hostile nations, only a certain number of bookstores are

allowed to exist, with restrictions on what can be put on the shelves to read.

This kind of suppression of speech, free thinking and exchanging of ideas is

seen as a threat. It begs the question of.....why??? Without free thinking and

exchanging of ideas, we limit ourselves to what we can learn from one another.

How is this a good thing?? 

Art, music photography, writing, sculpting, painting etc. opens us up to the

beauty God created.  In each of the creative areas I've mentioned, whenever

an artist, poet, photographer, painter or sculptor creates, they bring to life

proof that God truly does exist and that he IS the author and perfecter of

our lives, and all of creation. Each area reveals who God is, how through the

the areas mentioned he helps us to see the beauty that exists in all of us and

how through each artistic area, we can live out our purpose and bring glory

to his kingdom.


Liz Ciccone

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