We are called to act with justice. We are called to love tenderly.
We are called to serve one another, to walk humbly with God. Artist-David Haas
I have the pleasure of announcing that Soul Conversations is to be part of the movement 100ThousandPoetsForChange with an Author Appearance at Riverbend Market June 22nd from 5-8pm. This movement, created by founder and editor at Big Bridge Michael Rothenberg and Terri Carrion, has spanned the globe with events being planned in 100 countries and all across the United States since April 12th this year.....and its growth continues!
So what is all the hoop-dee-do about? This movement is about social and political change, sustainability and unification of communities all around the world! Already 500 events are going on and many more are in the works with musicians, poets, speakers, mimes, puppeteers and many other talented individuals are coming together with their communities to make friends of those estranged from their communities.....which is the other part of 100tpc!
So many communities nowadays are estranged from each other, they live next to each other, but don't know each other. They mow their lawns side by side, yet not a word is spoken between them. This movement is meant to bring people together in friendship, support and knowledge of the kind of difference we can be in each other's lives.
In all the issues this world faces today, school shootings, racism, prejudice, lack of medical care, denial of human rights, social injustice.....the list goes on, we as poets, authors, mimes, civil rights activists, speakers, puppeteers ask you to stand beside us in this humanist movement and be a part of the
100ThousandPoetsForChange!!!!! Blessings, Liz Ciccone