See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy or empty deceit, according
to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. Collosians 2:8
Life Question: Do We Appreciate What It Costs Them?
Tomorrow millions of us in the U.S. will be observing Memorial Day with parades, speeches, visiting the cemetaries to pay our respects and being in prayer for our
servicemen and women abroad and those who have come home.
We especially cannot forget those soldiers who have rejoined their families, some who are more broken now that they've returned from action, than when they were
being sent into it. Soldiers with not only broken bones and missing limbs, but also those who are broken in spirit as well.Â
They come back to us from out of chaos and violence to seeking peace and a sense of balance once more with the families they had to leave behind, not toÂ
mention jobs and careers that they loved doing. These brave men and womenÂ
had an objective they needed to accomplish, a duty that they had to fulfill forÂ
all of us so that we may continue to have the things most important to us, not things, but our faith and our freedom. We now have to fulfill our duty to them.
We need to give those who have lost their sense of purpose in civilian life, to helpÂ
them to find it once more. Not just by acknowledging and remembering theirÂ
sacrifice for us, but helping them to gain their sense of purpose in whatever their dreams are going forward from their military service. We must allow for them toÂ
show us their skills that they learned in whatever areas of the military they wereÂ
trained and help them to gain back their sense of purpose in their civilian lives.
That is how we can truly honor those during not just Memorial Day, but EVERYDAY!
We must also remember the families of martyrs in restricted and hostile nations
who've lost loved ones simply because of their belief in our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. Like our brave men and women who have lost life and limb in combat,
our Christian brothers and sisters in restricted and hostile nations continue to fight
for their right to profess their faith in God without threat of violence, but as is so often the case, they are jailed, made homeless, denied work or education and even medical care or killed as a result of their refusal to forsake our Lord and Savior.
We must pray for them as well. Those persecuted for our faith are the teachers to us
about what true faith and belief in God really is and during this Memorial Day I ask
of all of you to carry these to very important message in your minds and hearts, not just tomorrow, but throughout our lives.Â
Stay well and be blessed!
Liz Ciccone