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It's Jesus' Birthday! And We're Invited! Part One


And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself

shall not stand.  Matthew 12:25

Remember when you were a kid and how excited you got when you knew

your birthday was near? Do you remember what that feeling was

like??  That's how our Savior and Lord feels about us!

He is so excited to tell us about how he came into the world to save

us, to cleanse us from our sins, to make us new again in his name!!

Just like when we sit among friends and family on our birthdays and

they regale stories about us and how we touched our family's and

friend's lives.....Jesus want to do the same with us.

He wants to do this with us so we know who it is that we come from,

where our strength and courage comes from, where our acceptance

and understanding of each other comes from, how we can stand in

the face of our adversities and enemies with him as our shield and


I see you peeking around that corner! WHO ME?? You say. Yes.....I'm

talking to you! You don't have to peek around the corner like curious

children who are not sure if they want to join the party, you can take

the hand of the Lord and Savior of all and come join him!! But, I don't

know him, you say. Well, then, an introduction is in order! He's our Father

and its time you and he get acquainted! So don't delay! Come as you

are to the celebration and meet The King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Watch for Part Two next week!!


Liz Ciccone

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