Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren
to dwell together in unity! Psalm 133:1
Life Question: What gifts of yourselves will you give
to Jesus for his birthday?
As the biblical story is told, the wise men, in search of Jesus Christ,
came bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh gifts fit for a
king! Now I know what you're all saying, "what can I give to
Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, King of Kings, the creator of life
itself and the earth upon which I live???"
WELL! I'LL TELL YOU WHAT YOU GIVE HIM!You start by giving him
your open mind, your open heart and greeting him with an open
door! You give him the gift of your hospitality by making him not
just a guest in your house, but a part of the family! Don't stop at
that. Next, you invite him to sit with you and introduce Jesus to
everyone who is present with you. Share your joys and hardships
with him, share your laughter and tears, he is the Father of all of us
and he wants to hear about the lives of his children!
Don't stop there! Share with him your dreams, desires, goals
and yes, even your frustrations.....Jesus knows that our lives on
Earth are not easy ones, nor is the road some of us are traveling
easy to navigate, he wants us to trust him in all things that happen
in our lives,not just when our lives are peaches and cream!
Sit with him, give him your time and attention, he wants to
tell you about himself and his life, death and resurrection.
LET HIM DO THAT! You can do that by opening yourself up
to him in prayer and in reading His Word.....invite others to
do the same with you! The more the merrier(I'd like to think
Jesus would say that!)!
The other gifts you bring for our Lord and Savior are the BIGGIES!
Give him your love, your trust, your faith, your hands(to put in
the hand of Jesus), your feet(to have him show you where the
good way is and how to walk in it) and your eyes(so you can see
what a life with him will be for you!)
Well! I know you are just itching for more after this, but I can't let
the cat out of the bag just would ruin the fun for me(as well
as the surprise)!
Liz Ciccone