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Jesus Christ--The Reason for the Season!


"Look!" The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son,

and they will call him Immanuel which means, 'God is with us."

Matthew 1:23




Life Question: How did you celebrate our Savior's birthday?"





Santa's reindeer and workshop, Santa's nighttime ride to deliver gifts, "it's a children's holiday" some say.  Christmas is a time of profound love, togetherness,

fellowship and the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

It's not just about the food we prepare or the gifts we get each other. It's to

celebrate the birth and life of Jesus.

So much commericalism has taken our attention away from whom this holiday

is for that it bears reminding us why we observe this most holy day of the year.

How can we even begin to say happy birthday to our Lord and Savior??

We can start by telling the story of his birth to our loved ones, continue on

with how we introduced our friends to His story if they didn't know Him before,

we can tell about when we took our first Communion(if you remember back

that far!)that started our journey with Him. we can tell about all the peace and

love he's brought into our lives and how, when times were tough and we didn't

see a way out of them, how we looked to Him to find our way back Home.

We can talk to each other about our favior scriptures or chapters of the Bible

we like to read for the Christmas season and what those scriptures mean to us.. 

There's so much we can do to say 'happy birthday!" to our King!

Some Christmases have not been celebrated with joy, but instead cried with

tears of sorrow because of loss, loneliness or family separations. We can talk about

how that tested our faith, how it affected our relationship with God and

how we got through it, or if we didn't, how can we rebuild our relationship

with Him again?  He always there for us, no matter what the path we're on

we just need to look skyward and call out to him! God is a great

conversationalist! He speaks His heart to ours.....all he asks in return is our time.....will you make time for Jesus??

Well I have give you some food for thought so don't be shy, spread those morsels

around to one and all! So Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Soul Conversations and Soul Conversations mascot Ruby Rya!



LIz Ciccone


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