The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands
the foolish one tears it down. Proverbs 14:1
Life Question: What Meaning Does Mother's Day
Have for You?
For some of us, Mother's Day is a mixed blessing. Some have
lost their mothers, some have been abandoned by their
mothers, abused by them. For others, their mothers were
their biggest supporters, protectors and the best guidance
God Himself could've given them.
Speaking from the point of view of being a daughter(I have
no children of my own), a mother's role is a very important
one. The mother is the center for how a child is to learn how
to be nurturing, compassionate, to know how we are to
value ourselves as young women as we make our way in the
world, to know the value of respect for ourselves.
What happens when we are not taught these things by our
What impact does this have on our self-esteem?
How does this affect our view of ourselves? Of others?
How does this affect how we see our place in the world?
Our mothers and fathers are the first guide to the world we have
and the teachers of understanding the world around us. They also
are the teachers of our faith and relationship with God.
As the Word of God says, "Train a child in the way he should go, and
when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6
To have a godly parent as a guide in one's life is the most
valuable thing in the life of a child. A godly parent sets the
tone for how that child learns, lives and conducts themselves
throughout their lifetime.
In my experience, I was shuffled between my Grandmother and mother
from the time of infancy to the age of nine years old. As a result, I
don't have that connection with my mom that I should have had.
There were so many things I missed out on with my mother and as
an adult, can't get any of them back. Mothers are sooooo important
to have in one's life. Losing one's mother is painful. It's the first
person we as children run to when ANYTHING happens! When we
can't do that, we feel that void, and that void doesn't ever really
go away. It heals over time, yes, but doesn't go away.
How many of you out there have women in your lives that you consider
to be 'like a mother' to you? I have a couple of women in my life like
that. Both are the best women I know. One is Julie whom I've known
since I was born, the other is Vanessa. They are the best women!
Each has taught me so much about who I want to be, who I am
and what's important in life. So to close this blog, I want to wish
all the mother's out there a Happy (albeit belated)Mother's Day!
And son's and daughters.....HUG YOUR MOTHERS!
Liz Ciccone