Hello From Soul Conversations!
Yes, Ruby and I have been MIA since April 27th.....YIKES! Time flies when
you're working on a book.
I don't mean to toot my own horn(honk! honk!), but I am quite excited about
this book. This is the first prayer devotional I've written. This endeavor wasn't
mine alone though, God was the True Author of the book, I merely wrote the
prayers as He wanted them.
This devotional, called Soul Conversations.....Begin With Prayer is a departure
from others that I've read from
daytime, prayers for various observances,
both regular and ones not listed on the calendar,(
just to name a few.)
prayers for evening.
I've opened it up to my church prayer group that I belong to as well as the
new associate pastor who found it, in their words, "moving, inspiring and
Writing a prayer devotional was a bit of a deviation from what I normally
write, but, in the writing of this book, I've found the process to be freeing
in terms of the mind, body and the spirit. Prayer is the time where you can
bring your joys, concerns and thanks to God, not just for what we have,
but how we can be content with it. It's also a time to ask God not just
about what he can do for us, but what we can do to glorify him through
his Son who gave himself up for us.
I will admit to falling asleep at the prayer wheel. Who among us hasn't
at one time or another? My hope is that this prayer devotional will be a
help to those who have found themselves in that position as well as for
those who don't know how to begin to pray.
The book will be available to the public in August of this year. Not sure
of the release date as yet, but will alert all who want a copy, on Facebook.
Soul Conversations Facebook Page is: www.facebook.com/soulconversations
I've had five orders already placed for copies.....put yours in at any time!
The sooner, the better!
As Always.....Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you!
Liz Ciccone!