For to this end Christ died and lived again, that he might be both
of the dead and the living. Romans 14:9
Life Question: Is Jesus Christ The Lord of Your Life?
It's been three days since celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ, and three days later 'The Passion of the Christ' is still being
showed on television to remind us of the gift Christ gave to us.....the promise
of eternal life through him!
Watching this movie is as close to actually being a witness to his sacrifice he
made for us. It also gives us pause to realize the true supremacy of God's Son.
Only Jesus could endure the humiliation, degredation and horrific pain of the
cross to wipe away our sins, to bring us into his Kingdom of promise, love,
security and eternal life. It is only Jesus who is the firstborn over all creation,
who reconciles himself to all things, who has shown us the meaning of real,
honest love for each other, who has healed the sick, tended to the lame, mended
the brokenhearted and been our safe place to fall when everyone else has
abandoned us.
It is through him that all things hold together, it is Jesus who calms our fears, takes
our burdens upon his shoulders and says to us "let it go, let me carry them for you",
Jesus has created all things and creatures upon the earth, it is he who created the
the world in which we live. No other ruler or authority has such power but Jesus.
So the question Jesus Christ the Lord of your life? If he isn't, then
make that commitment to him today, just say the following prayer:
Lord Jesus,
I know that I have not followed you, or made you the Lord of my life.
My life has been missing pieces. Pieces that only can be filled by following
a life with you. Come into my heart, come into my home, come into my life.
I want you as my Lord and Savior. Amen
By saying this prayer, you acknowledge the supremacy of God, the power of God, and
the Truth of God. May this prayer be a blessing in and to your life.
Liz Ciccone