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What Freedom Means Part II


And he is before all things and in him all things

hold together. Colossians 1:17

Life Question: What does having freedom mean?

In Soul Conversations continuing exploration of What Freedom

Means, let us explore what other freedoms we have in Christ.

Let's talk about self-worth. How many of you out there have

ever been made to feel less than?, like your dreams you have

areĀ  silly and told that they are unreachable? That you are "not

good enough"? How many have answered yes to one or more

of these questions? Those of us who have experienced such ridicule

know how painful and difficult it is to push through that.....Jesus

went through THE VERY SAME THING! In Ephesians 2:10 we are

told "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to doĀ 

good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do!"

HOW COOL IS THAT!! God made us to do GOOD STUFF!!

Now some many appreciate what we have to offer, some not,

but that's only a 'world perspective' of us. God has given us a

plan and purpose for our lives. Some of you many know what

it is, others of you may still be wondering. Ask...Search...Knock...Let

God be the one to show you what you are worth to HIM! He's


We all have dreams and goals we want to reach. Some of you out there are saying,"Hey, I'm too old now, I don't have what it

takes anymore, It's too late.(It's only too late when you're dead!)"

Well, what does Jesus say? Well, in Exodus 31:3 Jesus says, "I have

filled you with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in allĀ 

kinds of crafts and goes on to say that his gifts and his call are

irrevocable! He places no statute of limitations on the gifts he

blesses us with in the way some of the people in the world do.

Place your gifts in the Savior's hands and ask him what do next!

"You are not good enough!" How many times have we heard this

before and been followed around by some people with their

invisible yard sticks to "prove it"? God carries no such yard stick

with him. He sees the potential in ALL his children! He wants us to

have a relationship with him so he can bring out the potential in

us because he knows what we can do when we trust him!

As we remember that sacrifices of our soldiers and our Christian

brothers and sisters and human rights advocates and lawyers in

restricted and hostile nations, let us also remember the freedoms

we have when we make the step to follow Jesus Christ and trust

in Him with the issues talked about today. And pray for those being

persecuted that they will know What Freedom Means when we follow

in the footsteps of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The narrow gate we enter through with our Savior is not always easy,

he doesn't say it will be, but O the blessings we have in our lives when



Liz Ciccone

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