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With The Persecuted In Mind


Life Question: What Should We Do 

With Our Time In The Woods?

It's a week into our Lenten journey and I have to admit, I

did not know what I was going to "give up". I struggle with

this question every year and every year. I go tripping through

the woods on my Lenten journey. Why???

I keep looking at Lent as having to give up something. It

didn't hit me until just now, it's not about what we're giving 

up, but instead what is it that we are giving in to?

All along Jesus's journey in the woods, Satan tempted him

with everything he had at his disposal. Yet, all along the way

Jesus was able to thwart all his attempts.....he knew his Father

would be at his side through his time of trial.

He fought Satan with the only weapons....The Word of God.

It's much the same battle that the persecuted are continuing

to suffer in many places around the world for their faith and 

belief in the Lord today. 

How do they manage to overcome it? To fight it? To survive it?

Their belief in the Word of God, in God's Truth and in His salvation

of our souls.

The tools the persecuted rely on in their time of trial are the 

strongest they have: faith, prayer, belief in His holy power and 

Word and the praying they do for the repentance of their 

persecutors in the faith that their hearts will be turned to 

the True Vine who can save them. 

in some of these situations for the persecuted the torture is so

severe that rather than endure it for another day. The prisoner

is forced into "renouncing" their faith. In reality, when the persecutors

of them celebrate in their "victory" the prisoners are still the victors,

because no amount of torture can undo a relation one has with God.

Let us reflect on this during our Lenten journey.


Liz Ciccone

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