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Without The Crucifixion


Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth

John 17:17

Life Question: Where would we be if Jesus had not been crucified, but instead,

was allowed to live?

The above question is the very question I approached my pastor about when I

told him I was going to write about during the season of Lent.  He thought that

my question was an important one, so he told me to take it and run with

the quest begins.

This question has been marinating in my mind since before Lent started. And in

thinking about the sacrifice Jesus gave for us, the question came to me "where

would we, or for that matter, the world be if Jesus had not be crucified, but 

instead was allowed to live out his life just as you and I?

In the time of our Lord, people were treated as less than, depending on what

their social and financial standing was, children were not seen as important(unless

they were healthy male children)and were in many cases during that time, left to

die if they were unhealthy or disabled in some way. Women were seen as property, as throwaway wives if their husbands didn't like how they performed their wifely duties and could simply throw them out through writing a simple note declaring

that the husband wanted her out.

Treating people with dignity, respect, forgiveness, love and compassion was unheard of, that is, until Jesus came on the scene and started his ministry and turned all of what the Pharisees were teaching and preaching on its head!

Jesus is not just our Savior and Lord, but a pioneer. He is the great physician(where

do you think the idea for hospitals came from?), he was a missionary(who was responsible for the start and continuation of many missions through the world)

he was a teacher who opened the eyes of thousands(and still does today around

the world. He taught us what the true meanings of love, forgiveness, respect and compassion:

Love-No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and

his love is made complete in us.1John 4:12

Forgiveness-"I will forgive their wickedness and remember their sins no more." Says

the Lord Hebrew 8:12

Respect-"So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them for

this is the Law and the Prophets." Matthew 7:12

Compassion-Bear one anothers burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

Whew!  Is your brain spinning?! Mine sure is and I'm 3/4 of the way done!

To finish off this train of thought I want to leave you with these last few parting


If Jesus hadn't been crucified, would  we have an inheritance to His Kingdom?

Would we have eternal life? Would we or for that matter the world as we know

be in existence today?

I know that it's a lot to absorb and think about, but while we are in a Lenten frame of mind, let's meditate on this. As always Muslim brothers and sisters, please join us during Lent!


Liz Ciccone

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