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Without the Crucifixion Part lll: Would We Know Our Purpose?


"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations. Jeremiah 1:5 Life Question: Without the Crucifixion, Would We Know God's Purpose for Us? In part three of Soul Conversations series Without the Crucifixion: Would We Know God's Purpose for Us, we look at what we would be doing with our lives if God didn't give us a purpose for being here. Think about that for a minute, if God was never crucified, never started his ministry, never gave his people the assurance that he created us to be his ambassadors at the places in life right where we are to do the work of His Kingdom, what would the world look like? If he wasn't there to form and shape us with the dreams, aspirations and goals he set for us to accomplish in his name for the glory of His Kingdom, what would the world look like?? Could you see how unfruitful a planet this would've been? Nothing could've been built because God wouldn't have been around to create the architects, contractors, plumbers and the other necessary people to build schools, cities, state and so on. No one could've gotten an education because there would be no professors or teachers to educate us. No one would've been able to appreciate the rich literature, art and history because there would be no dancers, singers, poets artists, historians or scholars to share their brand of wisdom. Every occupation has something to teach us. We don't need to specialize in all of them to understand them, but it is the fact that we have that option to want to educate ourselves about them because God made them available to us through his creation of us that's the point. The world can suggest to us what it thinks we would be good at, our friends can make suggestions to us according to what they think we would be good at, ultimately though, it is our Savior and Lord who KNOWS ALREADY what we are good at and only he can lead us in the direction of what is best for us. However, if the crucifixion never took place, Jesus wouldn't have been here to show us through his influence in our lives what influence through him we can have on the world if only we believe in Him and in His Power. Jesus is the man with the plan and he, not man, is who directs our steps and says to us "this is the way, walk in it." Only he know our purpose. If you don't know Jesus or his plan for your life and are seeking those answers, find a bible and turn to Jeremiah 1:5 and read that passage. If you want to know more read Psalm 139. Those are good places to start in. So in closing meditate on where we are in our life's purpose and where we would be 'Without the Crucifixion'. Last but not least, HAPPY EASTER TO ONE AND ALL!! Blessings, Liz Ciccone

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