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Joint Religious Legislative Coalition Conference

In everything set them an example by doing what is good.

In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us. Titus 2:7-8


On Tuedsay of last week, I had the opportunity to attend 'A Day on the Hill' for the Joint Religious Legislative Colition. I was blown away! On the pannel were the three main religions Jewish, Muslim  and Christian. Speakers from each represented their religion. Amal Mohamed, a tenth grader from Al-Amal school in Fridley, MN gave the opening prayer. He did a fine job in leading us in prayer.

Then we were lead in how our day at the conference was going to go! What a schedule it was! Meetings with our senators, district leaders and had issue briefings too. After that, JRLC Board Member Bob Rubinyi talked about how they were building the colition through member involvement and donations.

Rounding out the first part of the introduction, was Rev. Alika Galloway. She gave a wonderful speech about being a blessing for others by telling us about a trip to Rome she took with her husband and how she had so badly wanted to see the painting on the ceiling of the Cistine Chapel, but because of how many people had stopped them in their path for one reason or another, she and her husband instead, became a blessing in the lives of those they met on their trip.

After a breakfast break, we had issue briefings on Ending Poverty, Protecting the Safety net, Safe, Affordable Housing, Human Trafficking and Gambling. Then we had table discussions with our district leaders and got the chance to have face time with our representatives Senator John Howe and Tim Kelly at the Capital Building. Talk about walking! I think I lost 10 pounds! Pastor Greg Strunk, Pastor Wayne Walther, Lay Speaker Jane Stone and I ended the day with watching Kevne Kloeber from Prior Lake, MN and Terry Schoonover from Rochester, MN receive Interfaith Social Justice Awards.

At the end of the day, I did learn that even though we come from different religions and backgrounds, it is still possible with effort, respect and understanding on both sides to come together to work for the things we need to work on to make a better world for all of us.  Blessings, Liz Ciccone




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