440 West 5th Street Apt. 102 Red Wing MN 55066 US
This Site Is Dedicated To The Persecuted Church
Soul Conversations
It's A Link To Inspiration!
440 West 5th Street
Red Wing, MN 55066
Phone: 651-764-5181
E-mail: bealadyliz@yahoo.com
Available Hours for Online Purchases
Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Saturday and Sunday Closed
Soul Conversations Prayer Requests Page
Please click on the link you see and say and share the
following prayer for our persecuted brothers and
sisters! Go to www.persecution.com and learn more
about how you can support the Persecuted Church!
Prayer for the Persecuted
Prince of Peace,
For those suffering chastisement
because of Your name,
Fill them with Your strength to
continue proclaiming it,
For those suffering persecution
because of the belief of your holy power
and Word,
Make them grounded like granite in it,
so your omniscience can be felt by those
who oppose you through their faith believing.
Should you call one of your persecuted children home,
leave behind for those still suffering persecution a
legacy of strength and perseverance to follow
so your light overcomes the darkness they are
walking through. Amen