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There Is A Redeemer!

And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is

in his Son. 1 John 5:11

Life Question: How Did You Make Jesus A Part Of Christmas??

If you're like me, you heard the Christmas music starting even before Thanksgiving!

Arrgh! I love Christmas music! Just NOT BEFORE THANKSGIVING!  Each holiday needs

it's own recognition. First, we must THANK GOD for all he has done in our lives, all

the blessings he has poured out, all the broken places in our lives he has mended

and all our loved ones and friends(both those here with us and those who have

gone Home).....THEN we celebrate his birthday! OKAY! Getting off the soapbox now!

Now let's talk about what we did, or can do to honor Christ on his birthday and keep it, and him, always in our hearts. 

For my part, my church has their advent sermon series every year and I was chosen

December 20th to lead worship this year! YAY! I was so excited to do it! Spent the 

four days prior memorizing the Scripture I was to read! There's just something about

being able to recite his Word to the congregation that makes me feel closer to 


Something else that makes Christmas more meaningful to me is to hear Keith Green

singing his song, 'There Is A Redeemer' as a reminder of who Christmas is all about,

the sacrifice he made for us and the salvation he grants us when we take up our crosses as believers and his children and follow him through the narrow gate to 

blessings we didn't know existed until we opened our hearts, minds, souls and ears

to Jesus! 'There Is A Redeemer' is also about serving Jesus by giving of ourselves, 

selflessly, truthfully and standing before him so we can receive our crown!

Christmas is not "a children's holiday" as I've heard some say, Christmas is a 

celebration of a baby king born into the world, whose blood was shed for us, so that our sins would be forgiven, so that we could start over with a clean slate, when

we took the brave steps through the narrow gate that leads to life! Life like we never experienced before! Money can't give us that, we can't give each other that, our friends and family can't give us that.....ONLY GOD CAN GIVE US THAT!!!

The New Year is right around the corner, it's almost here. I will be doing some things

different with this site and blog. Starting with posting prayers. That way we can all

pray together, pray for each other and for friends and loved ones. Ruby Rya Ciccone will also be praying for the animals! So I encourage you to check that out!

God makes all things new ever hour of everyday! So as a start to the New Year, if you've not asked Jesus into your life, ASK HIM! If you've not asked him into your 

heart, ASK HIM! If you've not asked him into you're home, ASK HIM! Draw near

to him and I promise, he will draw near to you! AMEN!!!



Liz Ciccone

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